Interested in joining the Battlelog development team?
Battlelog.co is one of the largest and most reputable sellers of game enhancements worldwide. If you are a skilled coder who's passionate about development of game enhancements, you might fit well in our team. Benefits of joining our team are:
1. You get to team up with passionate people in this industry
2. Flexible work hours
3. Competitive pay
What we are looking for:1. Self-driven coders who are able to create and maintain the software with zero or minimal help
2. Friendly attitude and good work ethic
To apply, send a message on Telegram: @btlog1
The message can include:1. Name
2. What's your experience with development of game enhancements?
3. Do you already have a working product?
About us
At Battlelog.co, we offer high quality game enhancements. We ensure the highest quality through in-depth development, testing and maintenance.
We are proud to provide the industry's leading game enhancements.
Getting started is straight-forward and when you need assistance, our support is here to assist you.
Contact us
For support: Go to our support page.
We offer live chat support 24/7 with real human experts.
If you have any problems, you can reach us any time and get instant help.