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EFT Deluxe Aimbot kinda worthless


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Hello sir, sorry for long wait for a reply. Yes this issue will happen because the aimbot will only lock dead centre. Now if you have over 3000hours in EFT like me, you will know 3 things come into account. 
1) Recoil
2) Breathe
3) Spread of bullets. 

Now given those 3 factors if you use the aimbot as it is, then you will likely miss more using the aimbot, simply because 90% of the time the sight is just not on the player, but the aimbot is locked to where dead centre is, and well... how often do you think the red dot or any sight is dead centre, hardly at all. Paste my review I did over 2 years ago nearly below, this will explain how to eliminate at least 2 of those factors above, as for recoil, going prone of have single shot guns I would say is best. Mosin, MA1 those guns are king for this type of aimbot, not spray and pray. 


The aimbot is somewhat difficult to master, u'll get use to it very quickly but give yourself some time to understand how it works. but if you read this i'm going to save you some painful hours.

When the aimbot locks onto a targets head, at lets say 60 meters, u'll still have a lot of gun sway when stood up or crouching, because of this, the aimbot wants to shoot right down the middle to the players head of were your crosshair should be(or any part you chose to lock onto), but because of the gun sway u'll actually be aiming slightly to the left or right, and will only hit the shot 25% of the time. 

To fix this problem, bind your AIMBOT LOCK toggle key to the same key as your EFT hold breath button(mine is both mouse button 5)

What this does is not only stops the gun from swaying slightly and missing the head at even as close as to 50 meters, but it allows the aimbot to shoot perfectly down the centre of where it wants to shoot for the head, because holding your breath centres the gun perfectly while ADS'ing

Example; you aimlock someones head @ 60 meters, you shoot but you miss slightly because of gun sway. 

Example 2; you aimlock someones head @ 60 meters, and also hold your breath at the same time (because you have bound hold breath the same button as aimbot toggle) whiling aiming and your gun will be perfectly centred for the headshot.

once I figured this out the hack was bliss. so please please take some time to set this up. It will help out a ton!

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