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Great Support, but with R6 Ultimate and 2 pcs no luck.


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To start off, I've probably talk to every support person on here it feels like, after 2 weeks of trying to get it going, I just was never successful. The support was nice, but they didn't have the answers and sadly the admins just didn't give anything helpful beside reset my keys about 10 times.  2 problems that never got fixed. The first I could only play a few rounds or a one match before the game closes out on me before i have to restart my pc. The 2nd, every time I load R6 Ultimate and a spoofer I always got HWID mismatch after restarting my pc and running it the next time. Support never could figure it out and admins never got back to me. Overall R6 Ultimate is 5/5 if you can get it running right, but unfortunately, I did not. Aimbot and the Esp are wonderful, can take a newb and make him quite a bit better once you add experience.  If you don't run in technical difficulties, then you worth the buy but sadly 1/5 for me because i didn't even spend 1/20th of the time I bought. Thank you and hope you have better luck. 

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Hello sir, sorry to hear you have experienced this. Hardware mismatch could be caused either by using a spoofer that is permanently changing your disk drive serials or you are spoofing first before hack injection, once the key has been reset, which will result in the key being locked to fake IDs that get removed when you restart your pc. As for your crashing after X amount of games none of our testers ran into this problem and without seeing an issue report done by support, I have no information to go on to look further. All I can do is apologise and also make sure you are aware that you inject hack first, then spoofer, then launch game. Lastly only use a spoofer if you have a HWID ban. You "can" use one preemptively but it can add complications to the setup and injection. It is much simpler to just run the hack. If you do need a spoofer though, then make sure its being ran in the correct order. Hope this helps ❤️ 

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