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Thoughts after 24hrs


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I bought Warzone Supreme just to try and have some fun; I understand that Supreme is like a barebones hack but it still has everything someone would need to have an edge in-game. 

  • ESP is simple and clear and even has a bit of customization.
  • The Aimbot is can feel finicky sometimes, but that's just because it has limited customization with Warzone Supreme, but it will get the job done in a pinch. Though I find aimbots aren't really needed in Call of Duty anyway.
  • The Menu can feel a bit unresponsive sometimes, having to press the option keys multiple times to change a setting, it might just be me.

Overall - apart from a few nitpicks Warzone Supreme is pretty good if you're looking to have an edge over most others players, if I had to give it a rating I'd go 8/10. 

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