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Escape From Tarkov(EFT) / Mini Setup Guide


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Tired of holding a corner and the moment you leave you get shot?

Tired of creeping around and not knowing if someone is watching you?

Tired of using your Scav and not knowing who is a bot or player scav?

Or maybe you're just tired of always loosing gear.

Well look no further my friends.

I brought 30 days of EFT Prime. Payment was super easy and very fast(PayPal), now lets get onto the hack itself. 


Firstly let me start off by saying this hack has not only change my perspective of EFT but also made the game(for me) way more fun. No one likes dying every other raid and not knowing where you got shot from.

Setting up the hack for me was super easy, I had no problems at all. If you do have any problems feel free to ask.

Now for the best bit, the hack.

This product is probably one of the safest and well kept after on the market.

EFT Prime comes with ESP and Aimbot.

The ESP aspect of the hack is brilliant(best on the market I would say), very customizable. It has player names, player bones for PMC's, Bots and PS(player Scavs), and more. the player esp comes in 3 different colours for PMC, BOTs and PS, so you can tell who is who. Do you know how many fully gear people i've killed with just my scav? Also when using your Scav you can easily tell who is a bot and who is a player scav like you, from the ESP, so no more worrying of "is that guy a player scav or normal scav" and then dying..

You can also turn any of these option off, so the HUD is customizable aswell. 

The HUD for the hack itself(where all the option are) is also very easy to use and setup.

Now for the Aimbot. I know what your thinking,  aimbot in EFT??? but yes my friends, yes! This little thing is amazing! no longer do you have to aim for that perfect shot. You just aim in there general direction and the aimbot will lock on for you! how brilliant!

You have a number of option to select from, you have from Head to toe, you can choose to lock onto any part of any player model.

So go get them geared guys with your shotgun to the legs!

The aimbot also comes with a FOV circle, its sort of like having control over how close you have to aim before the toggle button of the aimbot will auto-lock onto a target. It also helps with showing you the general direction you are hip-firing/aiming (its a round circle). CQC(Close Quarter Combat) this aimbot is a life saver, but after about 150 meters u'll have to start and aim for yourself, it will still lock onto the target but u'll still have to aim up slightly as you shoot to hit the head, other then that most long distance shots after 150 meters will normally hit in the body, I would say this is for detection safety, a headshot below 100 meters is very easily possible but if your hitting headshots @ 200 meters every kill, the admins will be right up your ass ?

The final say is, Aimbot is brilliant and the ESP is fucking amazing!

PLEASE NOTE, I have been using this hack for 7 days and i've done nearly 12-16 hour gaming sections each day and I'm still not banned. This hack is 100% safe.

Things I would like to see added to the hack;

Location of dead bodies(if someone dies while i'm in the same raid I want to know where they died or show there last position on the ESP)

Item ESP

Option to show which direction they are aiming (you can kind of tell with the bone ESP but I would like it a little more defined/refined)

Also if it's possible, to add a new/different colour for Scav bosses.

Final conclusion, I love EFT like 150% more now then when I did before hacking. I would strongly suggest using this hack if you are looking for something quick and easy to set up but also improve your game play by over 100%. 


The aimbot is somewhat difficult to master, u'll get use to it very quickly but give yourself some time to understand how it works. but if you read this i'm going to save you some painful hours.

When the aimbot locks onto a targets head, at lets say 60 meters, u'll still have a lot of gun sway when stood up or crouching, because of this, the aimbot wants to shoot right down the middle to the players head of were your crosshair should be(or any part you chose to lock onto), but because of the gun sway u'll actually be aiming slightly to the left or right, and will only hit the shot 25% of the time. 

To fix this problem, bind your AIMBOT LOCK toggle key to the same key as your EFT hold breath button(mine is both mouse button 5)

What this does is not only stops the gun from swaying slightly and missing the head at even as close as to 50 meters, but it allows the aimbot to shoot perfectly down the centre of where it wants to shoot for the head, because holding your breath centres the gun perfectly while ADS'ing

Example; you aimlock someones head @ 60 meters, you shoot but you miss slightly because of gun sway. 

Example 2; you aimlock someones head @ 60 meters, and also hold your breath at the same time (because you have bound hold breath the same button as aimbot toggle) whiling aiming and your gun will be perfectly centred for the headshot.

once I figured this out the hack was bliss. so please please take some time to set this up. It will help out a ton!


Thanks for reading the review and as always, any questions please ask!





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