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MW Exclusive: An Honest Review


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Greetings my fellow Battlelog'ers. ?

I've been testing your product (MW Exclusive) for well over a month now. I had my fair share of trouble with it, as in - tons of crashes and instability - BUT those issues were on my end, meaning I didn't prepare good enough for the hack to work as its intended.

Remember guys, download that program to properly disable WinDefender, remove Xbox Game bar and all your overlays (nvidia overlay, steam etc. for example)

I play with the lowest aim settings and have everything off except for Show Skeletons. Its absolutetely a very good hack for that pricing, and undetected as well. If you get banned thats on you for being too obvious with the hack. Rather use it as a very strong aim-assist and try to get better.

What I would like to see in the future, maybe minor visibility fixes: sometimes the Skeletons show up as red, even though the enemy is hidden and sometimes they show up as blue, even though he is in plain sight. Happens more often in Ground War than normal game modes. 


Something to permanently save our settings. Takes some time to put up the same settings before each and every login! ?

In case theres a setup for this already, please help me out here. ?

Overall I would recommend this hack 10 out of 10 times. (Y)

Greetings, Dave

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