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★★★★★ Amazing.


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I've been meaning to write this review for a while but I'm just getting around to it.

The first time I purchased from Battlelog was 9/25/2020 and ever since that day I've continued returning to Battlelog and purchasing their products. So far I have purchased:

  • MW Exclusive x9
  • MW Premium x1
  • DayZ Quantum x2
  • CW Supreme x3
  • MW Leviathan x1

I have purchased all these products x amount of times. I can honestly say, they are made to be undetectable, easy to use, and easy to install. I've used other platforms before I discovered Battlelog, and let me tell you, Battlelog's support is better than other providers I've used, with quick responses and informational responses.


Now let's focus on the products I've used so far.

MW Exclusive

MW Exclusive was the first product I ever purchased from Battlelog and it blew my mind how easy it was to setup and use. However, with Exclusive the menu is controlled like the old school MW2 menus, with the arrow keys. At first, it was difficult to use because well, I had no clue what I was doing with it, I decided not to read the guide at the time but eventually after you learn how to navigate the menu and adjust the settings on the fly, Exclusive is great. The feature of Exclusive that really impressed me was the aimbot and how it was able to predict your shots pretty well. Overall I'd say Exclusive is a ★★★★☆. Only reason I dropped a star is because of the menu itself, the text can get hard to read at times, and trying to pick an option can be tricky as the (I'll call the selected option a cursor) cursor likes to jump too far sometimes.

MW Premium

So I bought this menu out of impulsion, MW Exclusive was updating and I was hooked to it, so I purchased MW Premium to help feed that impulsion and let me tell you it is definitely worth it. Firstly, the menu. The menu itself is beautiful, easy to use, easy to read. You can check out the pictures on the product page, but personally MW Premium is the best looking menu I have purchased from Battlelog (no cap). The features? Amazing, I was talking about how good Exclusive was, but Premium is Exclusive on crack. It is amazing, the aimbot never misses, the ESP was also really nice, but probably the feature that set it apart from the rest of the MW menus I used is the "Radar Hack" option, to where it shows where everyone is on the in game map, rather than a little square box that pops up on your screen. It definitely feels a lot better, to use which is why I guess it's called Premium because lemme tell you it's Premium. Overall Premium is a ★★★★★.

MW Leviathan

MW Leviathan is what I am currently using for MW/Warzone and pretty decent ngl. So if you have seen CW Supreme, it's pretty much that but ported to MW. MW Leviathan is honestly better than CW Supreme, the aimbot is a lot smoother, and the predictions actually work. I'd say MW Leviathan is almost at the quality of MW Premium, but of course it's still different. I've been using MW Leviathan for a couple days now and I am in love, it will probably be my top pick for Warzone until Battlelog releases something at this price and with better functionality. There's not much else to say about MW Leviathan besides it's probably the best product at the moment, coming after MW Premium of course. So my Overall rating of MW Leviathan is ★★★★★.

CW Supreme

CW Supreme is a pretty decent product, since it's the only other product. So I said before MW Leviathan is a port of CW Supreme, but CW Supreme isn't as good as MW Leviathan in my opinion, it might be because of COD's attempts to prevent cheating, but I guess I won't know because I don't have as much experience as the developer's at Battlelog. But, I don't really have much else to say about CW Supreme, besides the aimbot and ESP is really nice to use Zombies. However, something I wish CW Supreme had that MW Leviathan does is a "visibility check". I prefer to have my aimkey to RMB and that's hard to do when you snap onto people through a wall. So with that in thought I give it a ★★★★☆.

DayZ Quantum

Finally, DayZ Quantum. DayZ Quantum was a very nice product, and well in the end it did get me game banned, but that was of my own fault. The silent aim on it is actually insane. The shot that got me banned was a 600 meter Saiga 12k slug shot. Let's just say it wasn't my finest moment in legit cheating xd. But the ESP? Pretty good, item ESP was pretty nice as well, let's just say with DayZ Quantum it's pretty easy to get rich on server with traders. I did not use the speedhack that was included in the menu, to try to prevent myself from getting banned so I don't have any comments on the speedhack. But on the other hand the aimbot was amazing, I was able to shoot through massive boulders people would hide behind, snipe mf's from over 1000m away at NWAF, all I can say is DayZ Quantum is pretty decent if you want to begin in "enhancing your game". So overall, DayZ Quantum gets a rating of ★★★★★.


Overall, Battlelog is able to make amazing products and have an amazing support team, I would make a whole section for the support team but I've only had one or two interactions with them, but if you want a rating for a support (★★★★★ <---- my rating for support). So if you want to start enhancing your games, definitely consider Battlelog. I see myself being a customer for the foreseeable future.

Overall Rating for Battlelog.co: ★★★★★

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