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Dayz Review


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 I've been using the dayz cheats for awhile now.

The Quantum cheat is by far my favorite and has everything you need to play dayz causal and enjoy the game while making rounds for loot, the cheat also has a great Aimbot able to fight other hackers if needed.

Quantum Aimbot - I don't recommend leaving it on constantly if using any type of automatic, the cheat doesn't have a distance render set so you can kill someone from across the map and will get you banned 100%.

The only real problem I find with Quantum Dayz is that the uptime for the cheat is Terrible, it's always down for updating and when it is up you only get a few days before it's down again. 

Overall 9/10

The Phoenix Dayz cheat.

The cheat itself loads perfect and works fine within the game no issue loading it but the cheat needs updating badly

No filters at all for loot/player 

Names for items and players need updating badly the names are very long and take up a lot of room on the screen.

The Click to aimbot doesn't work, It just bugs out.

Overall 4/10

I haven't been able to get a big discount for the Premium dayz cheat so I have no insight on that at the moment.



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