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Apex Legends Levi, COD MW/WZ Levi, EFT Phoenix


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This is my first review.

Apex Legends Levi: It seems to be of decidedly lower quality than MW/WZ's Levi, it does not calculate for movement or bullet drop, but in mid-close range, it is quite good. But I'd probably go for a better quality hack than this if I was to try Apex again.

COD MW Levi: I primarily used this in MW Multiplayer, this has by far the best aimbot I've seen, calculating movement and drop. and also has options to only begin locking on when you're actually able to see someone. The only complaints I can even come up with in regards to the aimbot is that on certain angles in which you can only see a head, but you have the aimbot set to chest, it will aim for the chest, which is behind cover, resulting in all your shots hitting the cover, if perhaps there was an option to shoot visible bones if the selected bones are not visible, that would be appreciated. Overall, this was worth the price, in my eyes.

Tarkov Phoenix: It includes a HWID spoofer, which is appreciated, the only thing that was quite annoying was the loader, which does not save options, so you'd need to reset the FOV, smoothness, ect, after every session. If you're using no recoil, it's extraordinary obvious that you're using it since your gun turns into a literal laser, I'd recommend not to use it. I'd also recommend to go into an offline game a few times to make sure you've got the right settings for a legitimate enough looking aimbot. The aimbot aims through walls, no bone visibility filter on it like MW Levi does, the ESP includes loose loot (like a salewa on the floor) but not any loot containers, like hidden stashes or safes, and the player ESP will change color if someone is in your vision. Overall, I'm probably going to revisit this after the wipe, but there are a few features that I wish it had, like an option for strict 'ONLY AIM AT PEOPLE I CAN SEE' option, or perhaps more options to see hidden stashes and dropped backpacks. 

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