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Hello, I have been using Better Aim Technologies for a while now. Over a year, and I have to say that these guys dont offer any BS products. Everything works amazing and is such GOOD QUALITY!!!!!!

    Ok for RDR2 this cheat is incredibly awesome. I have done some troubleshooting of my own over a few accounts and I will list all of the features that will get you banned and all the features that seem to be perfectly safe to use and how to use them without getting your character reset or banned.  Before i do this, i must first say how well done the cheats are for this game and for GTA V. Frost really stepped his game up on this.  The ESP is really good In RDR2 however you must disable/re enable it every time you join in and out of a new session/match.  For some reason it doesnt automatically show new players who join the session.  It works perfectly though so dont worry.  The spawn animal feature is AMAZING for achievement unlocks and easy progression. You can also stealth kill an annoying player with a legendary panther spawn on top of them. its a lot of fun.  The spawn chests and gold is very awesome and is safe if you follow the EXACT STEPS I will list below.  All in all this cheat is amazing. The only thing I will add is that if you use this, please be respectful while using it. Please do not use the FRAME option on other players as it will make Rockstar think that player is cheating and unrightfully ban them. This feature should honestly not exist. It is not right to get an innocent player who spent money on the game banned when they didnt do anything. It is also unsafe to use and i will explain below.

1.) Teleport to player/waypoint - self explanatory.
2.) Spawn Animal - Self explanatory
3.) ESP - Self explanatory
4.) Freeze player - I use this when someone is cheating or using god mode. It forces them to leave the game because they cannot control their character anymore.
5.) Spawn Chests(money/gold/Coins) - ok this is safe but you MUST FIRST AND ALWAYS ENABLE BLOCK LOOT AND SALE TRANSACTIONS under Protection menu. Leave the block Loot and Sale transactions enabled even when you buy until you spend ALL your gold and sell all your coins. once you have everything you want for your character you can and MUST disable the block transactions feature and play normally.


***(None of these cheats should be used if you want to play the game for more than 24 hours)***

1.) God Mode - This cheat will guarantee a character reset even if you accidentally activate it and turn it off immediately. it wont matter it will get detected and your character is gone.
2.) Infinite Ammo - Same as above. this will get your character reset and your account suspended.
3.) Explosive/Lightning/Sink ammo - Same as above
4.) Explode enemy player -  High risk of ban if reported.
5.) Invisible - High risk if reported.
6.) Frame Player - Easily reported and High risk of ban for both accounts and should not be used.
7.) Explode All players - High risk. Easy to detect when everyone takes damage on the serve except you.

            All in all this is what I have found for myself and you can decide for yourself. In the end this cheat is a 10/10 still for me simply because of the Gold/Money chests and the Block features.  The features are more useful than any aimbot could be, and also can be used to help a friend. you can also spawn gold/money for friends too.  The Coders here are the best and the products they sell are hands down Top Shelf. You can not go wrong with them, and they treat their customer with dignity and Respect. Hopefully this review helps, and that the details also help you keep playing on your account without getting banned or suspended! Take care!!


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