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GTA Exclusive review/question

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I have to say I love the simplicity of this menu on one hand because I think it makes it a bit safer compared to the other over the top menus for gta. But on the other hand I also dislike it because there's no option for money dropping and vehicle boost doesn't ever seem to work on myself yet it does when I do it on other players, I feel like horn boost would be a great addition to this menu instead of holding num5 personally. But overall I think it's a pretty solid menu 7/10 for me, price is a bit steep for the limited features but like I said on the other hand it does feel very secure and it is a 30 day pass so it makes sense. I just wish there were a bit more fun goofy options like the aforementioned horn boost and money dropping. Also my question is what does CEO money do? it doesn't seem to do anything I invite people to my CEO Org and nothing happens to their balances and their bodyguard pay doesn't go up so it really doesn't make sense to me.

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Correct sir, our GTA mode was never detected.. we do limit some options ether for legal reasons or ban issues reasons. We rather give less options and keep you guys safe ❤️ 

CEO money you recruit someone in your company and activate positive on them as CEO money then they will get 10k every 10 seconds ? 

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